Digital Manufacturing Talks

Unlock Operational Efficiency and Collaboration with IRIS Workspace

Thu, Jun 27, 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PDT


Have a plan for the unplanned. Every day, manufacturing, energy, and oil & gas organizations face uncertainty within their operations. Continuous processes fall outside of steady state, impacting quality and yield; utilities and waste exceed expected ranges, increasing costs; assets fail or underperform, limiting throughput.


IRIS Workspace provides an interactive, collaborative environment to help industrial teams overcome these challenges. IRIS Workspace is the newest IRIS Foundry application and allows users to engage with all information in an open environment. Add times series, KPIs, P&IDs, documents, drawings, and images into a single environment and gain a full contextual understanding of an asset or process. Collaborate within or across teams by adding annotations and comments, tagging users, or creating notifications.

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Collaborate with IRIS Workspace

Join this live demo and see how IRIS Workspace can improve existing manufacturing workflows